Saturday, October 8, 2011

Yes we have pictures!

It took me a while to process the 2500 pics we took (mostly on the Canon 550D I bought in Singapore last year), but here they are!

It takes 15 minutes of your life to see them all, so my suggestion is to put on some nice 'Lion King' music and click on the slideshow button (top left).

(here's the link for ipad:

Look forward to your reactions.


  1. Hi,
    I was at the same time in Botswana and Namibia as you. Can I take one of your pictures from the damage bridge in Maun for my private fotos? We wanted to drive from Ghanzi to Maun. But we changes our plan and we went to Drotzkys Cabin at first.
    Many greetings from Germany, helen

  2. Hi Helen, so sorry I didn't notice your response. Of course you can! Feel free to download or send me your email address!


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