Thursday, November 22, 2012

Notes client startup time = super fast

The startup time of my Lotus Notes client on a Mac is fast, watch the clip I created on my Mac:

My setup: Notes 8.5 client on a Macbook Pro 17", connecting over a Ziggo cable network connection to the IBM Lotus Domino server at my office. My mailfile is not small, around 10GB.

Doing analysis at so many large customers worldwide, I sometimes hear that end users complain about the time it takes to start their Notes client. This is when I show these customers how the configuration of those clients have an impact the time it takes to startup.

Florian Vogler (Panagenda) and I decided to analyze this in more detail at a large customer. By combining data collected from workstations with MarvelClient with data that DNA collects from server logs, we expect to find evidence and best practices.


  1. Hi Wouter,

    great approach.

    Best regards,
    Thomas Rickert

  2. Thanks for sharing your movie.

    I'd be very interested in the best practices you find.

    Best Regards,


  3. Thanks for sharing your movie.

    I'd be very interested in the best practices you find.

    Best Regards,



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