Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holland from Above

Tonight The Dutch channel VPRO aired a brilliant documentary called 'Nederland van Boven' (Holland from above). Especially the broadcast about our famous koninginnedag (queens-day) on April 30 shows how some of our public funded TV makes good journalism.

The only link I could produce is here (click on the video named koninginnedag). Dutch only unfortunately...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Caught Speeding in Germany

This morning I recieved a letter from the German Police in Brandenburg (near Berlin). Apparently, I had committed an 'Ordnungswidrigkeit', driving 133 km/h where 120 was allowed.

We were travelling from The Hague to the farm in Poland, some 1,080 kms. Looking at the picture they took, I'm not surprised. After a long stretch doing approximately 200 km/h I look a little concentrated.

The fine is only 20 euro, far less than Holland.

The evidence is here: