Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nothing but good news about Notes this week!

On Monday, I had an insurance expert from Crawford visiting my office to inspect some water damage. As soon as the man heard about our core business, he showed a big smile on his face and proudly showed me how at Crawford all their business is done in Lotus Notes & Domino.

Asking him what he thinks about the platform, Mr. Koiter replied: "by far the best application I've ever worked with, wouldn't want anything else". He explained how he and his co-workers were able to work together on cases, share knowledge and findings and even work on the exact same document at the same time. He then gave me the example of how at a previous employer, the materials of an insurance claim were scattered all over in files, folders and shares. Consequently, team members had great difficulties finding what the were looking for, the moment they need it.

Asking about the interface, he mentioned how Crawford has a team of Notes developers who build all applications in-house. Looking at the application he had open on his tablet pc, I indeed saw a great looking interface.

Despite analyzing so many customer environments, I don't get to talk to real end users that often unfortunately. So thank you end user CN=David Koiter/O=Crawford, for sharing your experience with me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meet my Personal Trainer

If my medical intake shows an average BMI, my quadriceps sit-test is above average, the sit&reach test scores high and my biological age compares to that of a 31 year old (young) guy, why on earth should I start excercising?

Meet Gino, my personal trainer, he knows why: LinkYesterday had my first training session. Felt like a giraffe trying push-ups, an impala throwing baby elephants and a cheetah in the body of a hippo. Nearly managed to get back to my office when I was done, fell on the floor and asleep for an hour.

When I woke up, found myself back in reality: There is a lot of work to do!

Get Fit Stay Fit in The Hague